Terran / Korhonen War

The Korhonen first started visiting Earth in the Earth year 1933. Several re-con vessels we sent by the Korhonen leader, Krlll, there mission was collect mineral samples from Earth. However the Humans were alerted to the Korhonen presence in 1947, when a Korhonen Re-con craft crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico. All those onboard the craft died on impact. This incident was covered up by the United States Military, the craft was taken and the bodies were examined. This infuriated the Korhonen because their custom prohibits autopsy of any kind. Further details can be found here.

Between 1947 and 1952 more craft were found by Earth's Security Forces, among the wreckage a live Korhonen was found. It was taken to Edwards Air Force Base and was studied by Human scientists. They decided that the people of Earth could not be told as it would lead to wide spread paranoia, so the Korhonen was kept a secret. However, in 1952 the Korhonen became ill. In an effort to save it the United States transmitted a signal for help into space. It was received by the Korhonen at their base on Mars. The Korhonen were furious that the pilot was alive, they had already performed a death ritual, this caused them to change their plans. In their minds Humans were a barbaric race and needed to be exterminated.

During the 1950s the Korhonen began amassing an invasion fleet on the dark side of Earths moon. A small base was established on the Lunar surface. And several Battleships were sent into Earth orbit to locate key targets. However by then the Mogensen had alerted Earth of the Korhonen presence and Earth began developing defense plans. But before these plans had begun a Korhonen Envoy landed on Earth. The Korhonen leader met with the Humans and signed a treaty allowing the Korhonen to study human subjects. Earths leaders thought this would lead to cures to disease, but the Korhonen were actually finding Human weaknesses.

The Korhonen kept a close eye on Earths space missions, they did not want anyone to know about their invasion fleet. In the 1970s the Korhonen severely damaged an Earth vessel on its way to the Moon. If it had been allowed to land the people on-board would have discovered evidence of a Korhonen base. The Korhonen destroyed other Earth craft, in 1994 a planetary defense grid destroyed a probe approaching Mars, in 1997 the Korhonen were blamed for the problems on the Mir Space Station, in 1999 the Korhonen were responsible for the destruction of the Mir Space Station and in 2025 they destroyed Moonbase 3.

In 2039 the Korhonen were ready to destroy Earth. They began moving forces along Valles Marineris to the Earth base in Hellas Planitia. On September 20th 2039 , 5,000 Korhonen Troopers attacked the Earth base. It was all over in two minutes. The forty seven humans were massacred and the base became a pile of smoking ruins.

Shortly after hearing what had happened Earth declared war on the Korhonen. The Korhonen forced emerged from the Moon and by the morning of September 21st North America was in ruins. All the major cities had fallen victim to the Korhonen Mass Driver Bombardment. In the next few weeks over 40% of the Earth's surface was devastated and over sixteen million people died in the first week alone.

The Humans knew they were doomed. But where another race would surrender to despair, the Humans fought back with even greater strength. They made the Korhonen fight for every inch of space. They wept, They prayed, They said goodbye to their loved ones and they through themselves, without fear, into the face of death itself. When they ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out of guns, they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They did this for four months and they never ran out of courage.

By November 4th 2039, the Mogensen had learned about the invasion and dispatched over a third of their forces to help the Humans. They entered Sol on November 17th. Within a week they had driven the Korhonen from Mars, and their colony was destroyed . Their plan was to drive the Korhonen away from Earth and then a large force standing by in Hyperspace would jump to normal space an attack them from behind.

On January 21st the Mogensen had secured Earth and the Korhonen Battle Groups were in retreat. On the 1st of February 2040 the last Korhonen ship left Sol and the war was officially over. But, by this time the majority of Earth's surface had been devastated. All of Earth's technology was gone and the estimated death toll was around one billion.

The Fleet Movements of the different races involved in the conflict can be viewed at different points in the war on this page.

See Also:
Korhonen Exobiology
Terran Exobiology
Korhonen/Terran War Fleet Movements

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & George Hornmoen